Explore career opportunities in the Health Science industry!
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Looking for support to explore health careers or applying to med school? Use the following links to get started!
Pre-Health resources and planning: Visit this page to explore possible health careers, application time lines for medical, dental, PA, and other schools, and find specific career resources for the health professions of your choice.
Pathway resources include: Doctor (MD), Dentistry, Genetic Counselor, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician’s Assistant, Psychiatry, Veterinarian, and Undecided
Application Bootcamp: These resources were used in a virtual series to help students prepare their application essays over the course of three days. Now you can access them at anytime to aid in your writing.
Resources include: personal statement prompts, key competencies in health professions, planning strategies, and creative strategies to help fend of writer’s block.