Adding Career Readiness to Your Syllabi
At Augsburg, students are learning course-specific content in the classroom as well as developing skill to be successful after they leave college. By using career competencies to within your courses, you can help students identify specific learning outcomes they are gaining as well as what skills they can showcase within their discipline. Using transparency and clarity around the skills they are building will help them in articulating their development to future employers, graduate and professional programs, and elswhere in their work on campus.
There are various ways to include this information in your courses. View the examples below to explore possibilities.
Listed Within a Course Objective
Example: Management Course
Describe the essential and typical elements of a Talent Management System (TMS) in representative or “typical” Fortune 100 companies or similar global companies. Career Competencies: Career & Self-Development
Example: English Literature/Asian American Studies Course
By the end of the semester, students should be able to:
- Identify key events in Asian American literary hitory and understand how those are shaped in relation to major political, cultural, and artistic events in the US and the world. (Critical Thining, Careeer & Self Development)
- Explain how key values and social pratices associated with American life have evolved in distinct sociohistorical junctures and are expressed in literature. (Critical Thinking)
- Cultivate the ability to do intersectional analyses of race, ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, and sexuality. (Critical Thinking, Equity & Inclusion)
- Apply insights from multiple literary experiences and perspectives to analyze and confront systemic racism, oppression, and privilege that structure American society and beyond. (Critical Thinking, Equity and Inclusion)
- Effectivey deliver an analysis of Asian American literature and culture and writing and speaking. (Communication)
- Apperciate the diversity, resiliance, and creativity of Asian American literature and culture. (Equity & Inclusion)
Listed Within a Project or Assignment Prompt
Example: History Course
The objective of this assignment is to analyze race, gender, class, sexuality, region, and nation as interdependent categories of identity, experience, and history in the United States since the year 1877. You will work in teams to create a proposal to the Museum of American History for a virtual exhibit on the topic of your choosing. The exhibit should address a contemporary topic of identity, experience, or history and contain at least 10 artifacts. The proposal should follow the ethical guidelines of the American Alliance of Museums. Your team must seek out three sources of feedback on your proposal. Individually you will also submit a reflection of the process of completing this project.
Career Competencies: Equity & Inclusion, Critical Thinking, Communication, Professionalism, Teamwork, Technology, Leadership
General Syllabus Language
Identifying and articulating the NACE career competencies, technical, and transferable skills you acquire in this course and during your time at Augsburg are critical to becoming career ready and your success both as as student and post-graduation. In this course, you have opportunities to enhance and gain the career competencies and skills that employers and graduate programs are seeking. This will occur via assignments and class conversations and will contribute to your ability to identify and articulate these competencies and skills when applying for leadership roles, internships, jobs, graduate school, fellowships, and more. For assistance in identifying and articulating these competencies and skills, schedule an appointment with a career coach in the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work.
Adaptive Syllabus Language
You have the opportunity to work with me and the Strommen Center in identifying and articulating the NACE career competencies, technical, and transferable skills, you acquire in this course and during your time at Augsburg which are critical to becoming career ready and your success both as a student and post-graduation. In this course, you have opportunities to gain and enhance transferable and technical skills such as (initiative, time management) and (Adobe Photoshop, MATLAB), as well as Career Competencies including (communication, critical thinking) that employers and graduate programs are seeking. This will occur via assignments and class conversations and will contribute to your ability to identify and articulate these competencies and skills when applying for leadership roles, internships, jobs, graduate school, fellowships, and more. For assistance in identifying and articulating these competencies and skills, schedule an appointment with a career coach in the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work.
Competency Mapping
If you need assistance aligning learaning objectives, assignements, activities, and assessements with the career compentencies, email to schedule a meeting with the Strommen Director and/or Career Collaborative Program Manager to discuss further.
These examples are lifted from resources from the University of Connecticut.