Undocumented students face specific and unique barriers in the job searching world. Amidst frequently changing regulations and difficult to understand laws, tackling job searching may seem even more difficult. Despite this, you also also have unique skills and resilience.
Regardless of immigration status, we in the Strommen Center are here to support you in your career development and job search. We’re committed to providing resources and directing you to groups to help make your job search a little easier.
National Student Groups
UndocuUndergrads National Network: networking group for undocumented undergraduate students
UndocuBlack Network: a space for black undocumented folks; website is undocublack.org
NAKASEC: networking and connection opportunities for Korean and East Asian Americans. Offers 24 hour hotline for immigration related emergencies and a variety of resources.
State of MN Office of Higher Education – Undocumented Students & MN Dream Act: This page includes links to the Immigrant Legal Resource Center and Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota with updates regarding the legal situation around DACA. This site also includes information regarding scholarships, state and federal grants, and other resources for undocumented students.
Careerwise – Employment Resources for Immigrants and Refugees: a variety of resources for people from around the globe, many of which are community-based employment services in Minnesota.
US Citizenship and Immigration Services: provides information about filing, as well as updates from court decisions. Archives also include a DACA fact sheet for concise information and how to complete required I-9 forms for employment.
United We Dream: resource library on DACA and immigration, as well as information on their website regarding “know your rights’ and deportation defense.
The Dream Resource Library: federal and legal support for Dreamers