The most difficult part of any salary negotiation is that feeling that you’re always leaving something on the table. Unless you’re interviewing with an organization that makes its salary data public, the chances are that you’ll never truly know if …
Younger workers, or those with only 0-2 years of experience, are 42 percent more likely to be underpaid (Paysa study).
Negotiating salary at the point of a job offer is when you will have the most leverage. Once you …
Negotiating your salary when you get a new job offer can be nerve-wracking. However, there are proven techniques that can help you effectively negotiate. And below are seven of these techniques that will go a long way toward improving your offer.
1. Find …
It can seem that salary is to job value what location is to real estate—everything. While salary is, of course, an important factor when you’re considering a job offer, there are other perks to explore, as well.
Remember that compensation …
Negotiating salary, especially when it’s your first job offer, can be daunting and even nerve-racking. Yet most companies expect you to negotiate; if you don’t, you might leave money on the table. Don’t know how to negotiate salary? We’ll show …